Attract, Convert, and Retain Your Patients in Your Aesthetic Clinic

An All-in-One Solution to Streamline Your Aesthetic Clinic Management and Improve Patient Satisfaction

All-in-One Software to Streamline Administrative Tasks and Accelerate Your Aesthetic Clinic's Growth

Nextmotion: Tailored for Aesthetic Doctors and Surgeons. Learn How Our Solution Saves You Time, Reduces Administrative Work, and Enhances the Efficiency of Your Aesthetic Practice.

Paperless solution

Zéro papier

Streamline Your Aesthetic Clinic's Administrative Management with Advanced Digital Tools. Go Paperless, Save Time, and Ensure Accurate Traceability of Documents and Inventory.

Génération de Devis et Consentements en un Clic

Créez rapidement des devis et consentements que les patients peuvent signer électroniquement.

Signature Électronique

Simplifiez la validation de tous vos documents avec des signatures électroniques.

Transformation en Factures

Transformez les devis en factures d’un simple geste.

Comptabilité Simplifiée

Logiciel de caisse certifié NF525 pour une gestion comptable efficace

Traçabilité et Gestion du Stock

Suivi dynamique et digital des stocks

Reporting Digital

Génération de rapports détaillés des points d’injections.

Envoi de Documents

 Envoyez des documents à vos patients en un clic.

Zero papier
Team Management

Team Management

Precisely Monitor and Track Your Medical Team's Actions. Ensure Secure and Transparent Management for Aesthetic Clinics.


Comprehensive Access Control for Aesthetic Clinics

Define and manage access rights for every role in your clinic, ensuring secure and tailored permissions.

Action Tracking for Enhanced Accountability

Track every action performed by your medical team for improved operational transparency.

Restricted Access to Patient Records

Grant doctors access only to their own patients' information, ensuring data privacy.

Detailed Statistical Reports

Analyze revenue, track the number of treatments performed by each team member, and optimize your clinic’s performance with advanced reporting tools.

Cabinet esthétique

Practice Growth

Leverage Our Tools to Grow and Optimize Your Aesthetic Practice

Patient Export

Manage personalized or automated follow-ups via Zapier.

Positive Reviews

Request reviews to enhance your online reputation.

Patient Conversion

Use keywords to find the best before/after results and convert more patients.

Patient Education

Utilize Nextmotion 3D to explain aging processes and your treatment plans.

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Optimisation des processus

Process Optimization

Improve photo documentation and streamline document management for a more efficient aesthetic practice.

Nextmotion Capture

Delegate photo capture to your team with professional results.

Voice Dictation

Quickly record your observations with integrated voice dictation.

Pre-Consultation Questionnaire

Have patients complete questionnaires at reception or on their smartphones, automatically synced with their medical records.

Electronic Signature

Collect electronic signatures for administrative documents before the consultation.

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Suivi des performances

Performance Tracking

Make data-driven decisions to improve patient services and accelerate the growth of your practice.

Geographical Origin

Analyze where your patients are coming from and segment your communications accordingly.

Number of Patients

Track the number of patients by day, week, month, or year.

Treatment Performance

Analyze the number of procedures, revenue, and conversion rate by treatment type.

Consultation Reasons

Monitor the number of consultations based on the reason for the visit.

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Solution photo

Photo Solution

Capture Dynamic Before/After Photos and Videos. Achieve perfect standardization with every shot. Save time and ensure professional, consistent results.

High Standardization

Ensure uniform photos with consistent colors and positions.

Quick Editing

Create simple overlays or collages quickly and easily.

AI Background Removal

Blur eyes, tattoos, and automatically replace backgrounds.


Add keywords to easily find your photos.

Signable Consents

Integrate electronically signable image rights consent forms.

Easy Sharing

Share images with your patients or on social media platforms.

NM Capture loop
Intégration optimale

Optimal Integration

Nextmotion integrates with Stripe for payments, Mailchimp for marketing emails, Hubspot for marketing & sales automation and Zapier for task automation. These integrations save you time and automate repetitive tasks.

Personnalisation et Prise de Rendez-vous

L'icône de l'application affiche le logo de votre clinique et intègre un portail de prise de rendez-vous en ligne avec la possibilité de modifier les rendez-vous.

Communication et Pré-consultation

Le chat intégré permet une communication directe avec la clinique, tandis que le questionnaire de pré-consultation se synchronise automatiquement avec le dossier patient.

Documents et Traçabilité

La signature électronique facilite la gestion des documents, et le carnet digital assure la traçabilité des interventions. Le portfolio digital permet de partager facilement les avant/après.

Centralisation et Notifications

Tous les documents, tels que les factures et ordonnances, sont centralisés pour un accès facile. Vous pouvez également envoyer des notifications pour les relances, anniversaires et offres promotionnelles (fonctionnalité en cours de développement).

Use case

Use case


"Sophie, Assistant to Dr. Loubeyres in Pau, Reduced Her Administrative Time by 32%, Saving Over 1.5 Hours a Day to Focus More on Patient Care."

Meline Puech ITW-thumb

Sign up for a free demo

Discover how Nextmotion can transform the management of your aesthetic clinic. Maximize your efficiency and reduce administrative tasks starting today.